Secure, Resilient Communications, On the Pause and On the Move.
Cutting-edge computing technology and increased data collection have created a need for high QoS, resilient communication services, agile networks and increased operational agility for communications on the pause and on the move. In the continuously evolving global threat landscape, Eutelsat’s high-throughput satellite connectivity ensures that our troops remain connected, wherever they serve.

A Secure, Near-Global Network
Our geosynchronous space segment provides reliable, cost-effective reach and focuses on delivering near-global interconnections, covering Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia (SEA and SWA) and the United States. We provide modular solutions with secure value-added services and robust terminals for operational agility, so you stay connected wherever you go.

Low-Latency Connectivity
No matter the communications need, whether for access to mission critical data, navigation tools and aerial imagery, or the delivery of near real time situational awareness for decision makers, we provide the connectivity solution for on the go and on the pause communication.

Full Spectrum Coverage
With a full spectrum coverage of C-band, Ku-band and Ka-band frequencies and a variety of multiple wide beam and spot beam options, Eutelsat America Corp. has the solutions to handle defense and security surge requirements.